Bollywood actor Yami Gautam Dhar, who is busy these days promoting her upcoming movie Bhoot Police, was recently addressed by a paparazzi as ‘fair and lovely’.However, the actor was not quite impressed with the remark and her reaction has been going viral on on social media. The 32-year-old actress was seen in a white saree dress recently as she glowed in golden accessories including her gold Kashmiri dejhoor earrings, and necklace. The star tied up her hair in a neat bun and was seen posing for the paparazzi at Juhu for a promotional event of her upcoming multi-starrer movie Bhoot Police.
However, as one of the photographers called her out as ‘fair and lovely’, a cosmetic brand which she has been endorsing for quite a few years, Yami was not amused. The paparazzo said, “Fair and lovely yahan par,(Hey fair and lovely, look here!)” Yami rolled her eyes and warned the photographer as she said, “Ek baar aur bola naa (If you say it one more time).” The actress later requested the photographers, “Say it with respect na, not such names.” The video has been shared by Bollywood fan pages on Instagram.